How can I cancel a Booking (as a Customer)?

Are you looking to cancel a confirmed reservation?

Any booking made through SecurSpace must be canceled no later than 24 hours before the start of the booking in order to receive a refund, or in the case of a booking that is made within that window, the booking is non-refundable. We have this policy in place in order to create a fair marketplace for all. Our partners, when accepting a booking, reserve a spot and therefore take it off of the market. In case of any cancellation or no show after the 24 hour cancellation period, it can be very difficult for them to re-rent that spot with the short notice. Cancellations before this time period can be made on the website, or we are more than happy to make them for you if you call or email within the cancellation window.

Cancellations also can impact customers-- if your company is hoping to book space at a yard, but they are listed as full (even though they really are not), you will not be able to book space there. 

You can see more details in our website terms of use on our main page.

How can I cancel space?

If you are within the cancellation/refund period, you can cancel the space by following these instructions:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Select 'My Bookings'
  3. Choose the booking you would like to cancel and select the red 'Cancel' button.

Please note, if you are outside of the cancellation/refund period, you will NOT be able to cancel the space from your bookings page.