How to Move an Inventory Interchange to a Different Customer?

Are you a Gate Management System yard that has accidentally checked-in a piece of equipment under the wrong customers booking? This article will guide you how to move it to the proper customers booking!

If you are a Gate Manager at a Partner yard that uses are Gate Management System, follow these steps to move inventory to a different customer's account:

Go to the Gate Management Tab on the Toolbar

Choose the ‘Interchanges’ option

Type the container/trailer/chassis number in the ‘Filter’ bar at the top of the page

Once you find the piece of inventory that needs to be moved to the correct booking, click the Action Button (....) and choose ‘Move’

Type in the correct booking number that the inventory should be stored under
Click ‘Save Changes’

The system will adjust the inventory’s interchange to properly be stored under the correct customers booking. You will be able to see the adjustments under the ‘Booking’ and ‘Customer’ fields in the interchange box.