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Importing your Data

Getting started in a new application can be time-consuming, and manually entering dozens of records can be a frustrating experience. To help you get your system up and running faster, Tailwind offers the ability to import data directly into your new database, using the Excel templates provided below

Equipment (Tractors)
Equipment (Trailers / Misc)

Filling In The Templates

Begin by downloading the appropriate template for the data you want to import by clicking the link above. Then, open the file in Excel and familiarize yourself with the data structure – it is unlikely to match your source data exactly, and you will need to be careful to ensure that the right data is being imported.

Each template includes a sample row of data to help demonstrate the appropriate content and the required format for the data.

Once you have understood the organization of the template, copy and paste your data into the appropriate columns, matching the formatting of the sample as much as possible. (You should be particularly careful to avoid additional commas or apostrophes, as both can wreak havoc with our importing tools.)

Required Fields

Each template contains several columns for Required Fields, highlighted in red. As the name suggests, these columns are required to import the data. If there is no data in these columns, or there is a problem with formatting the data in these columns, the import process will not work. A complete list and explanation of the mandatory fields for each template are provided below.

Extra or Missing Data

There will likely be columns/fields in the template that you do not need or for which you have no data. This is expected and is only a problem if the column in question is Required (with the column header in red.) Leaving a non-mandatory column blank will result in a blank field or, in some specific cases, a default value is chosen once the corresponding record is created in Tailwind.

It is also possible that you may have data for these records that do not have a corresponding column/field in the Import Template. Here, there are two possibilities: the first is that Tailwind does not keep track of that data on the corresponding record. The second is that Tailwind does track that data differently than you have been tracking it yourself. This could be as simple as using a different label for the same information or as complicated as Tailwind using a very different database model to record it.

Unsure About Data? — Contact Support

In either case, we recommend contacting Support, whether by email or by phone — this will be the quickest way to determine which of the possibilities is the case and come up with the most efficient solution to record that data in your new system. Talking to Support in advance of the import can save a great deal of time in the long run — don’t just jam the data into a ‘close enough’ column and hope it works out!

Required Fields for Data Import:

The following information is required when entering your data in our import templates.


Internal Name: The name of the Carrier Record. This is the name used internally in Tailwind, on-screen and drop-down lists.
Legal Name: The full legal name of the carrier/vendor.
Remit Name: This name of the company being paid; is usually the same as the legal name, except in the case of parent companies or third-party factoring.
Preferred Currency:  If paying in Canadian funds, this would be a “Yes.” “No” means that they are paid in USD. This is a drop-down menu option.
Carrier Type: What kind of carrier/vendor are they, e.g. Carrier – US, Owner Operator – US. This is a drop-down menu option: select from the drop-down or ensure your data matches exactly one of the options.
Approved: The carrier is approved and is ready to be dispatched


Internal Name: The name of the Customer Record. This is the name used internally in Tailwind, on-screen and drop-down lists.
Legal Name: The full legal name of the Customer.
Preferred Currency:  If paying in Canadian funds, this would be a “Yes.” “No” means that they are paid in USD. This is a drop-down menu option.
Invoice Transmit Method: When posting your orders, it will set whether the invoice prints or is emailed to the customer. This is a drop-down menu option.
POD Requirements: How the customer wants their BOLs. This is a drop-down menu option.
Customer Type: The type of customer, e.g. Merchant, Prospect. This is a drop-down menu option: select from the drop-down or ensure your data matches exactly one of the options.
Credit Status: Whether or not the customer has credit associated with their account. This is a drop-down menu option.
Credit Terms: How many days do you provide the customer to pay you. Whole numbers are required in this field.
Credit Limit: This is a dollar value that would need to be entered if you have “Approved” Credit Status for your custome

Equipment (Tractors):

Unit Number: The Unit Number of the piece of equipment.
Tractor Type: If the unit is Long-Haul or Local.
Owned By: Who owns this piece of equipment, e.g. Company, Owner Operator. This is a drop-down menu option.
Active Date: When this equipment is available for use.
Fuel Type: What kind of fuel is used for this piece of equipment. This is a drop-down option: select from the drop-down or ensure your data matches exactly one of the options.

Equipment (Trailers & Misc):

Unit Number: The Unit Number of the piece of equipment.
Unit Type: What kind of unit it is, e.g. Tractor or Chassis. This is a drop-down menu option: select from the drop-down or ensure your data matches exactly one of the options.
Equipment Type: Further specifying the type of equipment. This is a drop-down option.
Owner Type: Who owns this piece of equipment, e.g. Company, Owner-Operator.
Service Start: When this equipment is available for service.


Internal Name: The name of the Location. This is the name used internally in Tailwind, on-screen and drop-down lists.


First Name: The employee’s first name.
Internal Name: The name of the Personnel Record. This is the name used internally in Tailwind, on-screen and drop-down lists.
Preferred Currency:  If paying in Canadian funds, this would be a “Yes.” “No” means that they are paid in USD. This is a drop-down menu option.
Start Date: The date that this employee started

Once the Work is Done

Once all your information is populated, please send your templates to twsupport@envasetechnologies.com. Make sure to include your company’s name, so we can be sure we are putting the data in the right place!

Further Imports & Troubleshooting

Please keep in mind that while we offer this initial bulk import of your data for free to all our new customers, it is your responsibility to ensure that the data you send is as accurate and complete as possible. Even if everyone does their best to keep the data clean and organized, problems can arise as part of the import process. In most cases, these problems will have simple solutions, and troubleshooting will be quick and relatively painless.

However, errors in the data that require significant troubleshooting on our support staff, or multiple import attempts, may result in service or support charges. We will always let you know about potential costs in advance of the actual work/charges. And in most cases, this additional effort won’t be necessary — but consider it one more reason to be diligent when filling out your templates!