If you are wondering why you did not receive approval for your booking, start here!
Why you were declined/ How it works:
- When you book space at a yard that is request-only (orange on the map), the yard has 30 minutes to click "accept".
- When you book space at a yard that is instant approval (blue on the map), but the yard is at or over capacity, the yard has 30 minutes to click "accept".
- You will notice an email that shows your booking is pending and it will be marked as such in the "My Bookings" page during this time.
- If a yard does not reply within 30 mins or if they are fully booked, you will receive an email that lets you know the booking has been declined.
- You are NOT charged if a booking is declined.
To avoid the 30 minute wait period or the chance that your booking will be declined, you can book space at instant approval (blue on the map) facilities. As long as they do not fill up, you will instantly receive a booking confirmation.